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The Rockin' N Ranch

4300 Herrick Road
Beggs, Oklahoma 74421
Phone: 918-267-4256

Extreme Mustang Makeover 8/21/07

time for a break

Amigo and Ted have been forced to take a little bit of a break for the last several days. Ted has been suffering from CFIDS again and has not been able to physically work with the horses at all for the last several days.  So they both got to take a little time off. I'll include a couple of pictures from last week.

Another trim

Can you see his dapples?
Pictures don't do his condition justice!

and now for something completely different

I have to mention that I have been working with the big red horse and have been having a blast. Last night we worked on the ground with turn on the haunch, turn on the forehand, sidepassing over a pole and backing through obstacles. I ground drove him for a while, working on turning into and away from the fence, stopping, and backing straight between the lines. He was great for me. Then we rode for about an hour, just walk and a little trot with a lot of work on steering and backing. I had a great time, and I think Amigo did, too. If you knew how timid a rider I really was, you'd realize what a huge accomplishment that is for me, and what a testament to a great horse and the foundational training he's already received from Ted.

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